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EU-Japan Clusters & Regions/Prefectures Cooperation Policy Learning, Matchmaking, and Sustainable Connectivity

EU-Japan Clusters & Regions/Prefectures                 Cooperation

Policy Learning, Matchmaking, and Sustainable Connectivity

Conference on 27-29 April 2020
European Parliament, Strasbourg (France)

Due to the #Covid_19 outbreak, we regret to inform you that the EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Conference at the European Parliament on 27-29 April has been cancelled.


The event is an opportunity to mobilise, inform and guide European and Japanese prefectures, regions and clusters towards more and better cooperation, find the relevant partners they need and learn about EU and Japan instruments available. In addition, the event will also include EU-Japan clusters/regions/prefectures collaboration with their counterparts in some third countries in Africa and in South East Asia.


  • 27 April : Policy learning with an overview of the policies and programmes in Europe and in Japan towards industrial and economic development of clusters, European regions and Japanese prefectures. Particular attention will be given to maximize benefits from the EU-Japan EPA1, SPA2 and the Connectivity Partnership3 between the EU and Japan.
  • 28 April : Presentation (pitches) of - and face-to-face meetings (matchmaking) between - EU and Japanese regions, prefectures and clusters towards increasing their visibility, promoting cooperation, building partnership, attracting investment, and ensuring people mobility in the key sectors of biotechnology, agri-food, circular economy/environmental technologies, digital industries and sustainable tourism.
  • 29 April : Site visits and experience on the ground from successful clusters and regions in / near Strasbourg such as Biovalley cluster, pôle Fibres-Energivie etc.

Organised in cooperation with :

  • EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (co-managed by DG GROW and METI)
  • EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Helpdesk (CEEJA with the Iwate and Gifu prefectures)
  • European Cluster Cooperation Platform

Draft Programme 27-29 April

Draft Programme of Day 1

11:00 – 12:30       Opening session

        Welcome remarks
-    City of Strasbourg
-    Région Grand Est
-    EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
•    European Commission
•    METI
•    Japan Regional Revitalisation Strategy (10 min)
•    EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Helpdesk (15min)
-    Centre européen d’études japonaises d’Alsace
-    Iwate Prefecture
-    Gifu Prefecture (5min)
•    European Parliament

12:30 – 14:00    Buffet lunch
14:00 – 15:30    Cooperation policies, instruments and experience
•    DG GROW, European Cluster Cooperation
•    European Smart Specialisation Platform
•    JETRO Regional Industry Tie-up Programme
•    European Investment Project Portal
•    Panel discussion on EU-Japan collaboration: learning from good experiences (50 min).
-    Cluster in Europe
-    Cluster in Japan
-    SME in Europe
-    SME in Japan
-    Region in Europe
-    Prefecture in Japan

15:30 – 16:00    Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30    EU-Japan collaboration in third countries (Africa and South East Asia)
•    EU-Japan Connectivity Partnership
•    EU-Japan business collaboration in third markets
•    European Investment Bank MoUs with JBIC, JICA and NEXI
•    Cluster / region policy in ASEAN
•    Panel discussion on EU-Japan-3rd country trilateral cooperation with 6 panellists (50 min).
-    EU region / cluster as “hub” to third countries
-    Japanese cluster /prefectures as “hub” to third countries
-    Region / cluster from a country in Africa
-    Region / cluster from a country in ASEAN
-    European SME
-    Japanese SME
17:30 – 18:00        Closing session:
•    EEAS - European External Action Service
•    MOFA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•    Delegation of the EU to Japan
•    European Committee of the Regions
18:00 – 20:00        Reception and informal networking   

Draft programme of Day 2 - Regions/Cluster/Prefecture matchmaking event and pitches

09:00 – 10:30: Pitch session of European and Japanese clusters and regional representatives
11:00 – 12:30: Face-to-face meetings between European and Japanese cluster delegates and regional representatives
12:30 – 14:00: Networking lunch
14:00 – 16:30: Face-to-face meetings between European and Japanese cluster delegates and regional representatives
16:45 – 17:45: On-site visit
18:00 – 18:30: Debriefing session with European cluster delegates and regional representatives
19:00 – 21:00: Walking dinner

Draft programme of Day 3 - Cluster tour – site visits

09:00 – 15:00:  Site visits to two or three European clusters in Strasbourg and/or its surroundings
04 May, 2023
Discover the full version
23 Mar, 2021
SME INTERNATIONALISATION AND DIGITALISATION The covid-19 pandemic is a powerful trigger and accelerator of the digitalisation of business support services towards the internationalisation of SMEs, for example: •The digitalisation of business matchmaking services ena-bles increased outreach to many more SMEs as compared to physical matchmaking. It also opens the door to a new profile of SMEs which would have never participated in physical business missions outside the EU (covid-19 or not) by lack of time, money and staff. Hence, reaching out a hid-den part of the SMEs world with big potential. •Virtual business matchmaking has become a crucial asset for SMEs to survive these economic difficult times without dropping their internationalisation strategy. It enables them to continue building international partnership as it reduces the transaction costs and save resources. •Digitalisation also enables SMEs to evaluate more quickly and more regularly new markets and business oppor-tunities. They are then able to react more quickly to opportunities and threats with respect to changing market attractiveness. They can internationalise early, flexibly and fast, with fewer travel costs and less time.•Although the negative impact of the coronavirus crisis on businesses is a serious problem, it has also triggered a surge of new start-ups being set up in Europe, Japan and the US. As mentioned in a recent FT article (, 10,000 new businesses were registered in September 2020 in Japan, 14% more than in the same month last year. France registered 84,000 new businesses in October 2020, up 20% on the same month last year and the highest ever recorded. •Given the major trend for EU-Japan business cooperation in third markets, digitalisation facilitates tri-lateral business matchmaking between the EU, Japan and third countries. They can more easily go beyond bilateral cooperation between the EU and Japan, and hence project EU-Japan business partnership to third countries, e.g., Asia or Africa. Digitalisation and internationalisation go hand in hand to provide opportunities to many more SMEs, for internationalising in a cheaper, faster, greener, more global and flexible ways, and delivering higher productivity compared to the ‘usual’ physical practice.It is dramatically changing patterns of entrepreneurial opportunity pursuit, value creation, innovation in the economy, and internationalisation. The 4th ‘industrial revolution’ is upon us. Does it mean that the above digitalisation assets for building international business partnership will make obsolete the regular physical journey? Probably not, as no matter how easy and effective it is to talk digitally, there is something else that face-to-face communication brings. Business is about building relationships and trust. It has an emotional dimension that a real-word event can – for the moment – enable more easily than a virtual one. The key challenge is likely to be how best to articulate the assets of digitalisation with the ones of the physical way. Perhaps via a double step approach, with first a large digital business matchmaking, followed by a much smaller physical one for finetuning. Dr. Philippe de Taxis du PoëtManaging Director, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial CooperationMinister Counsellor, Delegation of the EU to Japan Discover the full version
05 Mar, 2021
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